Saturday, 14 May 2011

25. My Final Post!

Awite all. You may notice that my layout has changed, and most of my formatting problems with it!! 'bout bleedin' time, ay! But anyway, before I go, I shall let you know whats been occuring over this past week. This week has basically been the final week for me as my deadline for printing is tomorrow, so I've been VERY busy and as you know the last time I posted I still had an awful lot left to do!

I'll start from the beginning. On Monday I saw Alexandra about the blog, and she told me how I could make it a bit better, for example I should talk about things that influence me more, and why I like them. She suggested I have images of other artists work next to mine, demonstrating the similarities, etc. The problem is, I will use references when I need to but I'm more inspired by things in my own head and I try not to emulate the style of others, cause I think originality is the best thing an artist can posess. I also tend to commence blindly and stubbornly with what I want to do, I don't know if it's a good thing or bad, but perhaps this is a reason for why maybe my posts are slightly lacking in that sense. Either way I'd been making sure that was all done ready for the deadline Friday, which is now also tomorrow due to Blogspot being a poo head on Thursday!!! After that I saw Jonny, whom I confidently told I'd have no problem completing my book digitally in the new few days. That was obviously rubbish and the next day I went to Perry's and spent £40 on none other than a selection of Copic Ciao paint markers! I'll tell ya why... Firstly I just wouldn't have had the time to colour it all digitally, but most importantly and rather than seeing it as a defeat I see it like this: I had always wanted to seperate the flashback (which is the bulk of the story) from the prsent day. After experimenting with the half tone effect and seeing how it looked, I realized it looked very polished and laboured. Although I think it looks really good, this didn't really suit the format of the flashback, as I'd wanted it to look a lot more low-fi. When I tried dumbing the use of half tone down a bit, I found that it looked very poor and lazy, or I'd end up using more block colour than I'd have liked to and that completely destroyed the point of using the half-tone, as it was meant to give it a vintage feel as opposed to a modern one. I took it back to the drawing board, so to speak, and remebered that the tutors had told me that coloring pencil was pretty much going too far the other way. It's a very primal medium, which they thought may detract from my work. There seemed to be nothing else for it, but my beloved Copic Ciao's! The hand-done element was exactly what it needed and I think they just offer a really beautiful effect. I also greatly enjoy using them, whereas I find working digitally a lot less fun.

So I cracked on with all that, scanned in my pages (Including the remaining pages of Keth for printing), finished the digital work, tidied it all up and slapped it all in a PDF! For the back cover (and the title spread), and much to my housemates dismay, I started burning paper in the kitchen and covering it in teabags (Just like making a treasure map!! Arrr). It turned out really well and I kept the back really simple by simply overlaying some torn bits of white paper with a very brief blurb on them. The title page just dons the logo. It was initially on plain white paper, but I saw Jonny just before taking it to reprographics and the said that it was a waste of paper, which is totally true, and I really like the look of it now with the drop shadow (and ya gotta get yer moneys worth, eh!!) So basically, the bulk is in pen, and the inroduction and follow on are both in half tone. This includes the poster at the end which will be featured on my wall of the exhibition.

So! I think I've built you up enough- Here's my bloody book!!

When I took it down to reprographics I had a sample printed and after changing he layout a few times, we decided on some paper and we were done. I made one or two minor changes over the weekend and I'm going back to the the lovely chap from repro monday at 4, and then it's officialy on it's merry way to becoming a bona fide book!! How exciting.

You may (or may not) be wondering what's going on with the production of 'Keth the Manosaur', but alas... I had not the time to prepare both! However, I plan to get it all together one evening this week and take it to repro later on in the week, that way even if it's not ready by the deadline for setting up the show, it'll definitely be ready before pivate view, and I figure I can slope in and add it to my display. Saying that, it might not even fit in now I've gone for the full on instillation, but I'd like it printed anyway, and I'd like to try and sell some in the shop too.

Talking of the show, I'm really excited about it! Bring it on I say! So for me, the next two weeks are all about that. I also need to do a lot of printing with regards to my portfolio! it doesn't end there either, I've confirmed some bands for my third and final fundraiser and organizing things for the London show never stops!

Anyway, that's enough from me, it's sincerely been a bloody plesure-
Quim- Over and Out!!

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